Imagine this scenario. You started a business (yay!). You even got your first client (double yay!) and now you are ready to take it to the next level.

You’re serious about growing your business, you know what you want to do to earn those dollars and you’re feeling pretty good about yourself.

You finally figured out what you’re passionate about, congratulations!

But your lack of design skills is another story. You need a website, you know this much for sure. You’re past the idea of getting your teenage kid to just “make something simple”.

You are ready to seriously up-level your online business presence to show people you mean business. Now what?

Well, you’re a smart lady and you understand the value of your precious time. So you’re not going to waste any of it to try and figure it out on your own while putting off your actual work on the back burner. That just isn’t good business sense and you know it.

Can I get an Amen?

So you make a decision to hire a web designer to solve your problem and create something stunning for you that you’ll be proud to call your own. How exciting!

Now all you need is a happy ending to this story.

So to ensure that is the case for you, consider following the steps below before hiring your web designer.



Not all web designers are created equal, so the first thing you wanna do is research. We all know that the best advertising is word of mouth, so ask around to find out who’s hired a web designer that they were really happy with.

Not sure where to ask? I recommend Facebook groups where your like-minded people hand out in. This way you’re more likely to come across a designer who gets your style.



Every now and then, I get people wanting to work with me, but when I speak to them I find out they haven’t fully looked at my website. This always surprises me, especially when they haven’t looked at my prices!

I make it a point to put prices on my site to avoid surprises and to wean those who can’t afford to work with me.

Want to save that precious time we talked about earlier? Review their website in detail and make sure their prices resonate with you before booking a web consult.

Another thing you should look for is testimonials from other clients. What are other people saying after having worked with this designer? If you see powerful reviews on their site, chances are they know what they’re doing.



After you’ve made sure you can invest in this very important next step (getting a professional website designed for you), get in touch with the designer you’ve been researching and ask for a chat over Zoom or Skype.

You’ll get a really good idea after talking with them in real life whether or not you’re a good fit for each other. This always beats email communication.



From my own experience, my happiest clients have been the ones that decided to trust me and my creative process. They did not have any expectations, other than getting a beautiful site up and running, of course.

So once you’ve sent that payment to get the work started, sit back and relax while your web designer is making magic happen.

But wait, there’s a second part to making sure your collaboration with a web designer is a success.

If you’re done here, make sure to check out What you must do AFTER hiring a web designer.

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